Charlotte Strange Charlotte Strange

Oral History: Charles Atlas

A conversation with pathbreaking video artist Charles Atlas on the occasion of his solo retrospective, It’s About Time, at the ICA Boston.

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Charlotte Strange Charlotte Strange

Oral History: Susan Milano

A conversation with Susan Milano, a videomaker and co-founder of the Women’s Video Festival, discussing her myriad involvements with video culture, from Global Village to Shirley Clarke’s TP Videospace Troupe to Japanese television production, and more.

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Charlotte Strange Charlotte Strange

Oral History: Philip Mallory Jones (Part #3)

The third and final segment of our wide-ranging conversation with Philip Mallory Jones discusses his collaborations with his mother and brother, work in live theatrical projection, and shift to digital environments such as Second Life.

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Charlotte Strange Charlotte Strange

Oral History: Philip Mallory Jones (Part #2)

Part two of our wide-ranging conversation with media artist Philip Mallory Jones, discussing his work organizing festivals and exhibitions, his travels abroad, and his transition to digital media.

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Charlotte Strange Charlotte Strange

Oral History: Philip Mallory Jones (Part #1)

Part one of our wide-ranging conversation with media artist Philip Mallory Jones, discussing his introduction to the medium, the Ithaca video scene, and his early collaborations.

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Susan Milano, Bart Friedman, and Nancy Cain, the Back Seat show, the Women’s Intermedia Center, 1978. Courtesy Susan Milano.

Nancy Cain, Bart Friedman, and Susan Milano, Drive-In, from “Back Seat” at the Women’s Interart Center, 1978. Photograph by Trix Rosen.

EAI is continuing to publish a series of oral histories with key figures in video and media art history. To keep up to date on new features and oral histories, please sign up for our e-mail mailing list.